Main Point: Jesus has all authority and has chosen sinners such as us to be instruments of power and authority to bring Glory the Kingdom of God.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Having power is one thing but having authority and power is everything. Jesus has all power and all authority.
A criminal may have power/strength over the Police, but the criminal dos not have the authority.
Using your power without authority leads to destruction and darkness.
Only Jesus has all power and authority.
The Saints/Christians have power and authority only in the name of Jesus.
We are instruments of God’s righteousness, power, and Glory.
Scriptures on Power and Authority
Matthew 28:18. All power is given to Jesus on heaven and on earth.
Matthew 8:1-4. Jesus has power and authority over sickness and disease.
Matthew 8:5-13. The centurion understood authority and also understood that Jesus has all authority.
Scripture on our responsibility to do the work for God’s Kingdom
2 Timothy 2:15. Do the work as an instrument of God with great care and diligence.
2 Corinthians 5:17-20. In Christ we are new, born again. In Christ we are ambassadors for Christ.
Jesus prays for the disciples and for all future Christians:
John 17:1-26. Jesus makes clear that all Christians have the right to be one with God. We are destined to be used as instruments to bring Glory to God.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Jesus has all authority and power; and has chosen sinners such as us to be instruments of power and authority to bring Glory the Kingdom of God.
We don’t deserve it, but God loves us and through Jesus we are Children of the Kingdom of God.
This is why any dying to self and dying to sin is worth it all.
Jesus is enough
The Love of God toward us is unmeasurable. Jesus is enough.
Advance, totally dependent on Jesus.