Main Point: Pursue Jesus who has all dominion and power and is our defender. Be totally dependent on Jesus and pursue him in all things.
Foundation Scripture: Acts 19:1-19.
Jesus will defend His Church.
Jesus always has and always will stand behind his words in Matthew 16:18. “The gates of hell will not prevail against the church.”
This scripture was not about Peter (Peter was an instrument like you and me), it was about the church. We will be victorious.
Jesus has all power to intervene for His Church.
Jesus loves you and will intervene for you.
All Power is given to Jesus:
Matthew 28:18-20. All power is given to Jesus.
Nothing is hopeless because All Power is given to the name of Jesus.
If you have breath to cry out unto Jesus. You have hope. Jesus has all power.
You don’t breakthrough the strongholds and sin of this world and then pursue Jesus.
You pursue Jesus and then encounter a breakthrough from strongholds.
Do not look for a breakthrough outside of Jesus.
It is the name of Jesus, and only the name of Jesus that has the power for your breakthrough.
Matthew 28:18-20. All power has been given to Jesus because of giving up his sinless life that we may be sinless before God the Father.
All else, outside the name of Jesus is a counterfeit power.
The Holy Trinity:
Jesus is the Messiah and sits at the right hand of our heavenly father interceding on our behalf for breakthrough by the power of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity (3 in 1, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
God the Father is our heavenly father (God is the I AM)
Jesus, the Son of God was sent to earth to represent the love, and the will of God the Father, to the World.
So, if you want to know God and all His Glory you find it in the name of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit – John 14:15-26. The Holy Spirit was sent by the father, by the request of Jesus so we would see and know Jesus forever and that we will be led into all truth.
We have Authority and Power in the name of Jesus.
Just as Jesus has all authority and Power because Jesus and the Father are one.
So do we have authority and power in Jesus’ name because we are also one with Jesus.
From Sinner to empowered child of God. That is the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Not only does God the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit have all power but all who are blameless before God because we are covered in the precious blood of
Jesus have authority and power.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Our weapons are not carnal. Our weapons have power to demolish strongholds.
Pursue Jesus who has all Power
Pursue Jesus who has all dominion and power and is our defender. Be totally dependent on Jesus and pursue him in all things.
Be set free from strongholds in the name of Jesus
Be set free from Sin in the name of Jesus
Be set free from generational strongholds in the name of Jesus.
Declare your authority and power we have in the name of Jesus.