
When Anxiety Attacks - Acts 4:23-31

The Book of Acts - Week 13

April 7, 2024 • Pastor Brandon Shanks

Have you ever heard the quote “You have to choose your mindset or the enemy will choose it for you.” You truly can’t have a positive life with a negative mind.” One medical journal said, “Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in America.” Maybe you were doing good or even having victory in your life and out of no where - boom. Anxiety. Pastor Brandon shares this idea out of Acts, If you are on the path of purpose don’t be surprised by the attack of the enemy. He tries to destroy your destiny in seed form and he does it by thoughts in the mind. The win is replacing the roar of the opposition with the scriptures!Set your mind. Set your mind on eternity, set your mind on God’s Word and set your mind on God’s promises.