
Marriage Reminder Series: Keep it Holy

May 16, 2024

Transcript: Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another timely Stand in the Gap Minute This week, I’m sharing 5 biblical principles for the defense of God’s design for marriage. First, marriage is God’s idea. Second, it’s the hinge-pin of the family – the cornerstone of authority in society. Third, marriage is between only one man and one woman. The 4th principle is that to preserve the integrity of marriage and the family, it must be kept holy. No violation or variation of marriage or human sexuality other than within the bounds of marriage between one man and one woman is acceptable without bringing predictable consequences to individuals, communities and nations. Heterosexual infidelity, sex outside marriage, homosexuality, or marriage between multiple men or woman all violate God’s order. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and embrace, defend, and live out God’s plan for marriage of one man and one woman? Visit us at American Pastors Network dot net and stand with us.

Fathers Day Series: Teach Gratefulness

June 14, 2024

Transcript: Fathers, teach your children gratefulness to God. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer, with the American Pastors’ Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Joshua chapter 4, God instituted memorials. Upon rolling back the waters of the Jordan River, God instructed the nation of Israel to cross over into the Promised Land. Take 12 stones and place them on the riverbank as a ‘memorial’- a visible reminder to the next generation of God’s greatness! In the future, your children will see this memorial and ask you fathers why it’s here. That’s your chance to remind them of God’s power, provision, and protection. It’s the time to teach thankfulness to God Who alone preserves, blesses and defends. Fathers, use holidays, birthdays, and special events as memorials to teach the faithfulness of God. Teaching your children gratefulness to God will make our nation blessed of God. Fathers, join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV teach your children gratefulness to God. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.

Fathers Day Series: The Model Father

June 13, 2024

Transcript: Father’s Day’s a great time to consider God’s role as Father. As a father of six and grandfather of 16, I’ve thought much about my role, and this I’ve learned. The more we men emulate God –the heavenly Father, the better the husband and father we’ll be. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer, with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. As our fatherhood model, God’s the wise Father. He’s the Great Counselor and Comforter, just, kind, merciful, and patient. He’s the Instructor, Guide, Protector and Shield. He firmly disciplines but does so in love. He loves so much, He gave His son – the perfect sacrifice - to save our souls. He’s the humble servant, yet the greatest leader. He’s the model – in every way – of what an earthly father should be. Fathers, grandfathers, how much do you resemble God the Father in your home? Fathers, join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV and be God’s face in the home. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.

Fathers Day Series: Teach These Things

June 12, 2024

Transcript: Fathers hold the key to our families and nation. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Deut. Chap. 6, God told fathers to teach our children 5 things. We must lead our children to Faith in the LORD, because He is the only God. We must lead our children to a Fervor for the Lord by loving Him with all their heart, soul, and mind. We must lead our children to Fear the LORD because that’s the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. We must lead our children to a Familiarity of the LORD by learning of Him daily and diligently. And, then when God blesses – as He will, we must lead our children not to Forget the LORD and what He’s done. If we fathers would teach our children these things, our homes would be healed, families restored, and nation united. Fathers, join with us at stand in the Gap radio and TV teach your children to Love the Lord. Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.