
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - Integrity Series: A Common Vision

August 3, 2022

William Penn expressed a common vision for government later built within the Declaration of Independence. How does integrity, a common vision and national renewal link? I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. The rotunda in the Pennsylvania state Capitol includes the words of William Penn which read, “That there may be room there for such a holy experiment, for the nations want a precedent. And my God will make it the seed of a nation.” What a vision? A self-governing

republic based on God’s authority. When we recognize this vision shared by our nation’s founding fathers, we’ll gain a vision for blessing and accept our duty to pursue it. God will then make it to happen. Praying for our nation, seeking the good of our land, and honoring those who serve our land are just some of the ways we can pursue this vision with integrity. Discover more encouraging resources at American Pastors Network dot net.