
Can Sin Dwell Within You?

October 4, 2023 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon

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I think what Paul is saying is, when Adam and Eve sinned, and of course Adam’s sin was worse than Eve’s, she was deceived, the Scripture says, he was not deceived, he knew what he was doing, but he didn’t want to lose Eve.If she died and he’s still on God’s side…so Eve was more important than God, and that can come up.A young Christian lady, she falls in love with an ungodly man, and will not listen to council and just insists.Well now, what caused her to do that?Well it was self, I want my own way. But I’m really not in charge of myself because I’ve become the slave of sin.So, sin that dwells in me causes me to do this.I think this is what Paul is saying.

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