
What Is Satan's Greatest Ploy?

October 11, 2023 • Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon

Redigitized Audio and Video!


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You’re tuned in to Search the Scriptures Daily, a program in which we encourage everyone who desires to know God’s truth to look to God’s Word for all that is essential for salvation and living one’s life in a way that is pleasing to Him.In this first segment of “Search the Scriptures Daily,” we have been going through Dave Hunt’s book, Seeking and Finding God: In Search of the True Faith. And, last week we began chapter nine, titled, “What Is the Gospel?”And Dave, as I said, I believe it’s the most important chapter in your book, because in it you explain the gospel of salvation.What I mean by explain, is that you give information to help people understand what man did that separated him from God forever, and what God did, and only He could do to reconcile mankind to Himself.

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