

Faith Works for Joy

June 5, 2016 • Pastor Mike

James shows us the blessings of hardships, allowing us to rejoice even in our suffering and pain.

Faith Works to Make Us Better

June 12, 2016 • Pastor Mike

Some people are religious, but they don’t seem to remember much about the teachings of their religion. James spurs us on to not deceive ourselves with our church attendance, but to actually love one another.

Faith Works for the Poor

June 19, 2016 • Pastor Mike

Human nature loves to pick favorites. Unfortunately, everyone in the church is human! James warns us against playing favorites at church.

Saving Faith Works

June 26, 2016 • Pastor Mike

Most people claim to believe in God, but James reminds us that Satan believes in God too! True and living faith proves itself by what it does. Genuine faith works!

Faith Works on Words

July 3, 2016 • Pastor Jason

Words hurt. And words help. As the Proverbs say, the tongue has the power of life and death, which is why James urges us to watch our words.

Faith Works for Humility

July 10, 2016 • Pastor Jason

What causes so many fights in our lives? Pride. James warns his fellow Christians about the dangers of pride and the blessings of humility in this classic section.

Faith Works to be Faithful

July 17, 2016 • Pastor Mike

Being a good friend is a good http://thing...unless it’s with the world. James urges us to be friends with God and unfriend the sinful world.

Faith Works for God's Will

July 24, 2016 • Pastor Mike

Humility moves all of us to plan in pencil. We have plans and goals and dreams, but we are people, not God. Therefore, we plan every bit, but say, “If God wills it!”

Faith Works Against Greed

July 31, 2016 • Pastor Tim

The love of money is a monster in the heart of a human being. Greed leads to injustice leads to the judgment of God. James warns us about loving money more than loving our Maker.

Faith Works at Waiting

August 7, 2016 • Pastor Jim

Every farmer knows crops don’t grow in a day. And every wise Christian knows God’s promises aren’t all fulfilled right now. Therefore, we wait patiently for God’s perfect timing.

Faith Works for Community

August 14, 2016 • Pastor Mike

James concludes with a cry to love and care and pray for one another. May the church of God live out its faith in good works!