
LENT 2017: WDJD? (What Did Jesus Do?)

Lent Week 1: Jesus Challenged The Church

March 1, 2017 • Pastor Tim

The first century church was filled with people who went to church for the wrong reasons (sound familiar?).  So, what did Jesus do?  He challenged church-goers, rebuked the religious, and proclaimed the purpose of gathering in God’s house.

Lent Week 2: Jesus Taught Tough Truths

March 8, 2017 • Pastor Michael

Religious divisions, frustrations with the government, and questions about marriage were the hot topics of Jesus’ day (sound familiar?).  So, what did Jesus do?  He taught tough truths and always remained faithful to his Father in heaven.

Lent Week 3: Jesus Submitted For Salvation

March 15, 2017 • Pastor Jim

Jesus’ stared hell’s fury in the face, knowing the cross would separate him from every ounce of happiness he had.  So, what did Jesus do?  He submitted to the Father’s plan for our salvation.

Lent Week 4: Jesus Kept Silent For Sinners

March 22, 2017 • Pastor Mike

The Pharisees accused Jesus.  Pontus Pilate questioned Jesus.  The soldiers slapped Jesus.  So, what did Jesus do?  He kept silent for sinners, so that God would speak a work of forgiveness about you.

Lent Week 5: Jesus Was Condemned For Our Crimes

March 29, 2017 • Pastor Michael

The crowds ignored justice and love and demanded the death of the only innocent man in human history.  So, what did Jesus do?  He was condemned for our crimes, so that there would be no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

Lent Week 6: Jesus Hung To Give Us Heaven

April 5, 2017 • Pastor Bill

Jesus healed the sick, walked on water, and raised the dead.  So, what did Jesus do on the cross?  Nothing.  He hung there to give us heaven, setting aside his power so we could be powerfully forgiven.

Lent Week 7: Jesus Served The Supper

April 13, 2017 • Pastor Jim

Jesus knew his friends would abandon and betray him before the evening was over.  So, what did Jesus do?  He served them the Supper, so they could taste and see the forgiveness of their most faithful Friend.

Lent Week 7: Jesus Died To Bring Us Inside

April 14, 2017 • Pastor Mike

Jesus had an all-access pass into the glorious presence of God, a place of never-ending happiness for those who are as holy as heaven requires.  So, what did Jesus do?  He died to bring us inside.

Lent Week 7: Jesus Rose To Rescue

April 16, 2017 • Pastor Mike

Jesus’ body laid dead in a tomb.  Hope was lost.  Joy was gone.  So, what did Jesus do?  He rose to rescue us from hopeless and despair.  He rose to redeem us for an abundant life with God!

1st Sunday After Easter: Jesus Teaches!

April 23, 2017 • Pastor Jim

Expectations. We all have them. Sometimes when our expectations are not met we can become discouraged and frustrated. That was true for two of Jesus' disciples on Easter Sunday afternoon. They lamented, "We had hoped that he would be the one who would redeem Israel." Their expectations of what Jesus would do were misguided. The reality was, Jesus not only met their expectations but exceeded them. They eventually understood who Jesus really was and what he had accomplished for them. Please join us as we savor the Easter news, and how it influences our expectations.

2nd Sunday After Easter: Jesus Deals With Doubt

April 30, 2017 • Pastor Mike

Do you have doubts about God? Does he really exist? Did Jesus really do all the stuff that churches claimed he did? Could God actually forgive me after messing up so much of my life? We are not the first people to wrestle with doubts. Jesus’ original followers, the apostles, did too. In this message, we will journey back to the first Easter and see how Jesus deals with doubters.