
Lent Week 4: Jesus Kept Silent For Sinners

March 22, 2017 • Pastor Mike

The Pharisees accused Jesus.  Pontus Pilate questioned Jesus.  The soldiers slapped Jesus.  So, what did Jesus do?  He kept silent for sinners, so that God would speak a work of forgiveness about you.

Lent Week 1: Jesus Challenged The Church

March 1, 2017 • Pastor Tim

The first century church was filled with people who went to church for the wrong reasons (sound familiar?).  So, what did Jesus do?  He challenged church-goers, rebuked the religious, and proclaimed the purpose of gathering in God’s house.

Lent Week 2: Jesus Taught Tough Truths

March 8, 2017 • Pastor Michael

Religious divisions, frustrations with the government, and questions about marriage were the hot topics of Jesus’ day (sound familiar?).  So, what did Jesus do?  He taught tough truths and always remained faithful to his Father in heaven.

Lent Week 3: Jesus Submitted For Salvation

March 15, 2017 • Pastor Jim

Jesus’ stared hell’s fury in the face, knowing the cross would separate him from every ounce of happiness he had.  So, what did Jesus do?  He submitted to the Father’s plan for our salvation.