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June 5, 2022 • Pastor Tim • 2 Peter 1:1–11

Peter kicks off his letter with a reminder of (1) who we are in Christ and (2) what we are called to become through Christ. We already have divine power, precious promises, and the calling of God over our lives. That is why this apostle urges us to “make every effort” to grow in our faith, adding more virtue and knowledge and love as the days pass, all in light of the day when we see King Jesus face to face.


June 5, 2022 • 2 Peter, Jude

Jesus’ friend Peter and Jesus’ half-brother Jude lived long enough to see the early Christian church face some tremendous challenges from within and from without. Driven by love, they wrote two short and similar letters packed with tough love and tender compassion, letters that God wanted us to read today. In the 21st century, Jesus’ followers still face tremendous challenges from within and from outside of their walls. How will we remain faithful? How will we not compromise? How will we find joy in a messed-up world. Peter and Jude know, and they can’t wait to tell us.


June 12, 2022 • Pastor Tim • 2 Peter 1:12–21

One of life’s scarier realities is uncertainty. When you are uncertain about your health, your grades, your parents’ marriage, or your own relationship. That doubt can rob us of confidence, joy, and peace. Perhaps that’s why God’s Spirit moved men long ago to write divine words on ancient scrolls, leaving behind a Book “more certain” than anything else in the world.


June 19, 2022 • Pastor Jim • 2 Peter 2

Peter spends an entire chapter warning his friends about the “false teachers” that would show up in their church. With scathing analysis, he labels them “arrogant,” “experts in greed,” and “dogs” that lick up their own vomit. Why would the man who just encouraged us to be kind and loving say such things (and encourage modern Christian to feel the same way)? This chapter has the answer.