
Alien Righteousness

June 18, 2017 • Pastor Bill

How does a person get right with God? By doing right? By not doing wrong? Romans 3 answers those questions in one of the most famous sections in the entire Bible.

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June 4, 2017 • Pastor Michael

We are all desperate for good news, for something more than the temporary high of another text or last-second victory. We want what people used to call “gospel,” the kind of good news that goes on and one. That is exactly what Paul is offering to the Romans and to us in the introduction to his famous letter.


June 11, 2017 • Pastor Tim

As much as we hate to be judged, that is what we do all day long. Judging other people’s character, choices, clothes, personality, driving, parenting, and pretty much everything else. In this section of Romans, Paul gives us an honest, unchanging standard for thinking about ourselves and for other people. (Warning: This message is not for the faint of heart!)


June 25, 2017 • Pastor Tim

When so much changes in our lives, we long for peace. We ache for something certain that we can stand firm upon, even in times of pain and suffering. We find that very thing in Romans 5, an unfailing love that inspires us to rejoice even when life is tough.