
Generational Sin: What Have You Done?

July 9, 2023 • Adam Mashni • Genesis 26:1–11

You’re probably familiar with the phrase, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” It illustrates that children’s thinking and behavior patterns are often inextricably linked to their parents. But have you noticed it is typically used only in the negative sense? That’s because our failures are usually far more glaring than our successes.

As we reach the halfway point of our “What Have You Done” series in the book of Genesis, we’ll explore a topic that impacts everyone - generational sin - and note three change agents that can put us on a path of generational blessing instead.

Reconciliation: The Goal of the Gospel

August 6, 2023 • Jon Morales • Genesis 44:1–15

With bookshelves lined with titles like “Success in 3 Steps” and advertisements boasting “60lbs in 60 days!” we find ourselves in an age of self-help. Whether you’re looking to get organized, become a millionaire, or find your soulmate, there’s a book for that. From the podcasts we stream to the influencers we follow, there’s no shortage of advice on how to become our “best selves.” As always, “It’s as easy as…” Or is it? This weekend we’ll conclude our series, “What Have You Done?,” by examining our innate desire to be a better version of ourselves tomorrow than we are today. The only problem is – with so many options out there – how do we find what actually works? Through our final message, “Reconciliation: The Goal of the Gospel,” we’ll uncover the answer to the true, lasting change everyone’s looking for.

True Confession

July 30, 2023 • Jon Morales • Genesis 42—44

Brush your teeth. Say “please.” It’s time for bed. Don’t eat that! Do you remember what it’s like to be a kid and have to do all kinds of things you don’t want to do? Whether getting a shot, eating your vegetables, or having to ask permission to cross the street, it’s tough to be a kid. But something changes as you grow. At some point, you realize all those things that seemed “mean” were actually for your good. In fact, they’re pretty much the reason you’re still alive. Kind of makes crying over having to wear pants feel silly, right? Over the past seven weeks, we’ve faced a few tantrums ourselves as everyone from Eve to Abraham to Laban has resisted God’s good parenting. Tomorrow, we’ll begin to wrap up our series by unlocking the secret of “True Confession,” where we’ll come to a familiar realization: the thing they’ve all been fighting is exactly what we need.

Bitterness: What Have You Done?

July 23, 2023 • Jon Morales • Genesis 31:22–44

“Eh...what’s up, doc?” If you’re like most Americans, your mind can’t help but read those famous words in the voice of a certain well-known rabbit. Bugs Bunny was king of what some have called “the golden age of American animation” and his perpetual rivalry with would-be hunter Elmer Fudd goes down in history. This iconic pair was joined on screen by countless other match-ups, such as Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote and Tom vs. Jerry. Each episode brought new antics and (more or less) inventive ploys, but there was one thing you could always count on: the feud never ends. In the midst of all the anvils and TNT, did any of us stop to ask, “What’s with all this conflict?” Join us tomorrow as we continue our series, What Have You Done? by watching an age-old rivalry unfold across the pages of Genesis—the feud between Jacob and his uncle, Laban. Here, we’ll uncover the true cause, and solution, for the conflict in our own lives.