
Reconciliation: The Goal of the Gospel

August 6, 2023 • Jon Morales • Genesis 44:1–15

With bookshelves lined with titles like “Success in 3 Steps” and advertisements boasting “60lbs in 60 days!” we find ourselves in an age of self-help.

Whether you’re looking to get organized, become a millionaire, or find your soulmate, there’s a book for that. From the podcasts we stream to the influencers we follow, there’s no shortage of advice on how to become our “best selves.” As always, “It’s as easy as…”

Or is it?

This weekend we’ll conclude our series, “What Have You Done?,” by examining our innate desire to be a better version of ourselves tomorrow than we are today. The only problem is – with so many options out there – how do we find what actually works?

Through our final message, “Reconciliation: The Goal of the Gospel,” we’ll uncover the answer to the true, lasting change everyone’s looking for.