
Zechariah - Return to Me

A Cleansing Fountain

June 2, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 13

How should we share the gospel? Perhaps the best place to start is in the beginning where God created Adam and Eve in his image, and they were perfect. This is part of the good news. Then we struggle because we get to the fall…sin…death… not the fun part of sharing the gospel.  Thankfully the story doesn’t end at the fall. We get to the good news and that is where we turn this morning in chapter 13. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

A Call To Repentance

May 26, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 12

Sermons cover a multitude of topics, but one that is often avoided is sin. Today we’ll see how Zechariah calls us to respond to our sin. It involves mounting for our sin and putting our faith in the Savior who would open the door of salvation by his work.  It’s a reminder of how we need to understand the bad before we truly grasp the good of the gospel. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

The Good Shepherd

May 19, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 11

Have you ever considered the privilege of being a Christian? The amazing reality of knowing we have the greatest message ever and God calls us to share it. It can an overwhelming calling to make Christ known to the nations. We wonder, how can anyone reject the good news? The reality is many will hear and never believe. This is partly what we’ll see today in Zechariah 11. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

What Is God Doing?

May 12, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 10

What is God doing? Is this a question you have asked at some point? It’s a question most people have considered, and one which Zechariah will explore today. We’ll see what God is doing at the moment and some future promises as well! We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

The Coming Messiah

May 5, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 9

A consistent theme within the entire Old Testament is the promise of the future Messiah. The Bible is clear the people should be expected this Messiah and gives a clear picture of his person and work. Yet, the people of God often misconstrue who the Messiah would be and what He would do. Today we get a glimpse of the coming Messiah.

Fasting to Feasting

April 28, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 8

Have you experienced difficulties in your life? This is the question Zechariah will address in our passage today. The reality is difficulties will happen in this life and we must have the perspective of understanding what God is doing in the midst of these trials. Today we’re going to see how God promises to go from fasting to feasting! We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

What Is True Religion?

April 21, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 7

Have you ever considered the question of what is true religion? For many, we consider all the “activities” we do as the most significant part of our Christian walk. The reality is God longs for us to have our heart in line with Him and this is what we’ll see in our passage today. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

Behold The Man

April 14, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 6:9–15

We often live in expectation. We look forward to holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other key events. Most of us likely don’t have to wait for more than a year. If we do it can seem like the event is never going to arrive. But in the time of the exiles, we see the people of God have been waiting generations for the promised Messiah. Today, Zechariah shares a vision which points to this long-awaited Messiah. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

The Greatness of God

April 7, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 6:1–8

Have you ever wondered what God was doing? There are times in life when it appears God is not for us and at times even against us. Today we’ll see how the final vision in Zechariah helps us understand how God is always at work. And it’s always for his glory and our good! We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

The Need for Holy Week (Palm Sunday)

March 24, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 5

Today begins Holy Week. It is the beginning of the final week of Christ’s earthly ministry. Today, we’ll explore the reason why Holy Week is essential. We’ll answer the question of why Jesus came to earth and what He came to accomplish.

By My Spirit

March 17, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 4

Sometimes, we are called to do things and we realize that it is overwhelming, and we need help. This happens in work, school, and family, and our Christian life is no different. There will be times where God calls us to do things which are difficult. When we get there, we must ask how we will accomplish it. The answer is what Zechariah will see in this vision. We rely on the LORD!

The Divine Courtroom

March 10, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 3

Many people struggle to read the OT for a variety of reasons. Some would say the “gospel” is not found until we get to the NT. Today in our passage we’ll see how the gospel is on full display as we enter the throne room of heaven where Joshua, the high priest, is accused by Satan himself, and defended by the LORD. It’s a vivid picture of God’s mercy and salvation on full display!

Great Expectations

March 3, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 1:18–21, Zechariah 2

What does God offer to his people? This is a question people have often asked and the answer to this question really depends on what we believe about God. Today we’ll see how God offers more than we could ever ask or imagine!

Where Is God?

February 25, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 1:7–17

Have you ever asked the question, “Where is God?” This is likely a question the Israelites were asking in our passage today as they’re watching the nations seemingly prosper as the people of God are struggling. Today we’ll explore the question of where is God? We’ll see how God is ruling and reigning over all by his sovereign hand.

Return To Me

February 18, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 1:1–6

Today we begin a new series in the book of Zechariah. This opening passage gives us the overarching theme of the book which is summarized by the phrase, "Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts.” Today we’ll explore how understanding the relationship between God and man is essential for our understanding of the entire book.