
The Divine Courtroom

March 10, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 3

Many people struggle to read the OT for a variety of reasons. Some would say the “gospel” is not found until we get to the NT. Today in our passage we’ll see how the gospel is on full display as we enter the throne room of heaven where Joshua, the high priest, is accused by Satan himself, and defended by the LORD. It’s a vivid picture of God’s mercy and salvation on full display!

A Call To Repentance

May 26, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 12

Sermons cover a multitude of topics, but one that is often avoided is sin. Today we’ll see how Zechariah calls us to respond to our sin. It involves mounting for our sin and putting our faith in the Savior who would open the door of salvation by his work.  It’s a reminder of how we need to understand the bad before we truly grasp the good of the gospel. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

The Good Shepherd

May 19, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 11

Have you ever considered the privilege of being a Christian? The amazing reality of knowing we have the greatest message ever and God calls us to share it. It can an overwhelming calling to make Christ known to the nations. We wonder, how can anyone reject the good news? The reality is many will hear and never believe. This is partly what we’ll see today in Zechariah 11. We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.

What Is God Doing?

May 12, 2024 • James Brignac • Zechariah 10

What is God doing? Is this a question you have asked at some point? It’s a question most people have considered, and one which Zechariah will explore today. We’ll see what God is doing at the moment and some future promises as well! We invite you to be our guest this Sunday and enjoy worship with a friendly, welcoming body of believers.