
Korean Missions

Pastor Jacob Hong

Pastor Jacob Hong, North Korea.

Vision Statement:
Some of you who know me ask, ‘Brother Hong how did you get into the North Korean ministry?
And Why?' | have asked myself that very question so many times. In 2007, while serving as a principal in a Korean international school, I met Brother Ben Torrey. His
Father, R. A. Torrey III was a famous missionary in South Korea who operated Jesus Abbey. Ben shared that God had called him back to Korea for North Korean ministry, because the nation would soon be unified. Likewise, I felt this same call from the Lord to North Korea. At the time, I had no idea how I was going to accomplish this. During all this, God gave me one clear instruction: Go back to Hawaii! Hawaii? What has that got to do with North Korea? However, God told me that He has an army pre pared for North Korea in Hawaii.
So in 2008, by faith, our family made the move to Hawaii. During this time, I got connected to First Assembly of God who was looking to plant a North Korean ministry! With their
support, I was sent to South Korea to plant a church near the border of the DMZ. In the course of time, I met many missionaries who went in and out of N. Korea as humanitarian Non Governmental Organization (NGO). I also became the Humanitarian director of Love North Korea Ministries and went to North Korea 5 times. It has been a whirlwind experience, but it is an ongoing journey that has just begun. Currently, I am the director of Missions at Door of Faith Church and working with many missionaries who are connected to North Korean missions.
Mission statement: Help ministries engage in North Korea through prayer and raising funds for them. Also minister to North Korean Refugees in South Korea to be disciple of Jesus Christ to pre pare for the unification to come in order to change North Korea with Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer for our family to be healthy and powerful in the Lord
• Wisdom and direction from the Lord as we
continue to minister to North Koreans around the world Safety for all the missionaries working with the
underground railroad in China
• Financial support to rescue and minster to
North Koreans Pray for the unification of North and South Korea
