
CEF Hawaii

Rev. Matt Walton

Rev. Matt Walton

(Ordained Southern Baptist Minister) Director Child Evangelism Fellowship Ma'ema e Elementary School RN With more than twenty years of minis try experience, Matt is passionate about inspiring, equipping and empowering students and adults to effectively share the Gospel with every child in Hawaii. Matt accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of eight years old in a small country church in rural NC. His home church continues to play a vital role in his ongoing service to the Lord. Starting as early as high school, Matt began to serve and help teach in children and youth ministry. Later, he earned a Masters of Christian Education from Campbell University Divinity School. Matt served in youth and children's ministry for about fifteen years in his home state of NC before God called him and his wife Stacey to serve with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Hawaii.
Matt currently serves as the state director for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Hawaii. Stacey and Matt made Hawaii their home in 2012 and have enjoyed seeing God begin to reestablish CEF as the most effective children's ministry outreach in Hawaii. When they arrived, God gave them a clear vision for the ministry and work of CEF here in the islands. That vision
was and is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve. Their mission is to inspire, train and equip students and adults to effectively share the Gospel with the children of Hawaii. Together, Matt & Stacey look forward to the day when every island has a vibrant and healthy CEF presence. Until then, they are looking forward to many more years of serving along-side churches and individuals with the same passion for reaching children with the Gospel.

CEF Hawaii Vision Statement:
Our vision is that every child on every island can hear the Gospel by the age of twelve.

CEF Hawaii Mission Statement:
Our mission is to inspire, train and equip students and adults to effectively share the Gospel with the children of Hawaii. Since 1937


Please pray for opportunities to continue in person
ministry during the COVID 19 pandemic.
• Please pray for new church partners to join CEF in reaching children at local public elementary schools. Please pray for new contacts on Maui, Kauai, Lanai and the Big Island so CEF can continue to expand across the state.
Please pray for continued financial support of the ministry so we can develop missionaries here in Hawaii to serve and lead CEF now and in the future.

Please pray for Stacey Walton's health as she remains on the mainland for surgery on her right foot. The recovery for this surgery will be between two to three months. She will need to remain in NC for until healed enough to travel back to Hawaii.
Please pray for wisdom for Matt as he seeks to be obedient to the Lord and bold in reaching children with the Gospel even during these uncertain times. Please pray for Matt & Stacey's daughter and son-in-law, that they would both be brought back into a right relation ship with Christ through whatever means God chooses.
