

Pastor Jamie Corcoran

Pastor Jamie Corcoran, Ireland


Myself and my wife Ludmila found our selves praying asking God for a next step in our lives. We wanted to make a difference in our world and to be part of God’s great rescue plan for Ireland, to serve the people of Ireland by inspiring them to pursue an authentic relationship with Jesus, to experience the God that many of us spent our whole lives growing up hearing about but never actually knowing.

Bottom line - we wanted to give our lives to help people discover and live out their Extraordinary Purpose in Christ.

That was 2008 and we did not expect God to respond to that prayer in the form of leading us to pioneer Lighthouse Church. But since then to now - our desire, our prayer and our mission is still the same.

We believe that God loves Ireland and that He has a plan and a purpose for everyone of us; that we have been Made for More.

Today, Lighthouse is making a difference in hundreds of lives and many communities, online and on the ground by church planting and partnering with local organizations. 


Prayer Request:

For the nation of Ireland post Covid, politically and spiritually.

For Lighthouse Church as we expand and grow, that we can continue to equip and help people in discovering their extraordinary purpose in Christ.

Wisdom and guidance in our Church planting strategy for the next 2 years.

Financial recovery from the pandemic.

Protection of health for all staff and team members.

Lighthouse Community Church

PO Box 221, An Post, Ireland.
