
Surfing the Nations

Founders Tom & Cindy Bauer

Tom & Cindy Bauer Surfing the Nations

Cindy has served as a full time missionary for over 40 years, traveling to over 80 countries. She serves as the Executive Director of Surfing
The Nations which God has used dramatically in bringing transformation and eradicating the sex industry from Kamehameha high way. She founded STN with her husband Tom Bauer who just returned from a homeless outreach in Salt Lake City ministering to Mormons. They have four daughters and 13 grandchildren. Vision Statement: Surfing The Nations is our humanitarian non profit which allows us to get into countries that won't allow faith based organizations or churches to enter. "Surfing The Nations impacts local and international communities through selfless service and action sports by meeting needs and changing lives."
Surfers Church "We will live and take the gospel to the nations that have not been reached.
(10/40 Window)"
That we are able to run our Fall Training Pro grams and local outreaches to include Feeding
The Hungry and working with at-risk youth.
• For the borders to open up for our international
students to come.
• Recover from financial loss due to COVID-19
• To see more long term laborers released by the Lord of the harvest. To be able to get into the countries where we have established works and have hopes of starting mission centers. The countries we are now pursuing are North Korea, Egypt, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Bangladesh For God to open doors for us to get into un reached countries.
To train and release young people from un reached countries for the expansion of the Gospel
