
Japan - Chi Alpha Japan

Missionary Joyce Kitano

Japan - Chi Alpha Japan

Joyce Kitano

Purpose and History of Ministry:

I've been a missionary for 33 years and teach in the Bible School, serve at a local Japanese church, and on the Japanese National Youth Department and World Missions

Department, and I travel in Japan and internationally to preach and do training. But my main ministry is as the Director of Chi Alpha Japan. We started the first campus Bible Study in 1997 at the University of Tokyo and then over the years have expand- ed to other campuses. Students are the most open segment of the population in Japan and we have seen them get saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and several have become pastors of Japanese churches and Bible School professors. Our main focus is on campus Bible studies, friendship evangelism, discipleship, English conversation partners, food events, concerts, prayer walking, etc. 

Prayer Request:

1. After 3 years of being shut out of campuses we're finally able to get back on most campuses. Please pray for open doors as we transition from Zoom to in person campus Bible Studies.

2. We have had a Chi Alpha Student Center for the past 15 years in Tokyo, but the city is widening the road outside our building and will take part of our building. So we need to find another property within the next year and renovate. Please pray for a location closer to campuses, and for miracle price.

3. Please pray for revival in Japan, a nation of less than 1% Christian that has never experienced revival. 
