
One Vision Church

South Korea

One Vision Church South Korea


The church focuses on the souls in the community

Unification of North and South Korea through Jesus’ community

Overcome division through the preaching of Jesus Christ

To deliver the gospel all over the world

Unification consists of community living by North Korean refugee families and South Korean families 

Mission statement:

Help ministries engage in North Korea through prayer andraising funds for them. Also minister to North Korean Refugees in South Korea to be disciples of Jesus Christ to prepare for the unification to come in order to change North

Korea with Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Request:

Prayer for our family to be healthy and powerful in the Lord

Wisdom and direction from the Lord as we continue to minister to North Koreans around the world

Safety for all the missionaries working with the underground railroad in China

Financial support to rescue and minster to North Koreans

Pray for the unification of North and South Korea through the power of the Gospel of Christ 
