
World Ministries

Prophet David McDonald

Prophet David McDonald, World Ministries.

David and Dee McDonald have dedicated their lives to build net works for the Kingdom. David has traveled to over 40 nations, teaching and training church leaders DMMI has founded an apostolic school and is part of the North Charleston Apostolic Center.

David McDonald Ministries was created to equip and train generations in their gifting and calling. David and Dee McDonald believe in the five fold ministry as mentioned in Ephesians 4:11, namely apostles, prophets, evangelists pastors and teachers.
DMMI's vision is to teach on the prophetic, using prophetic schools. David and his team travel to nations teaching and holding conference meetings and ministering to the body of Christ around the world.

Please pray for partners to come alongside us to help with resources
• We need committed benefactors.
• Please pray that I will be able to travel and fulfil our commitments for the year
• Please pray that Dee and I will continually be healthy Pray that God will increase our ability to travel so we can minister the way we do Our missions this year Egypt Belgium Portugal Wales
