

Pastor Anthony Web

Pastor Anthony Web, Thailand.

For a brief history, my wife and I were born again and married on the same day back in July 24, 1995. Be fore that, I was prize fighting on Thai television from 1990 -1995 under the name of "Tony Sasiprapa-gym."
In 1996, the Lord sent my wife and I to Hawaii to be trained at the Door of Faith Church and Bible School; and I believe that we were the last two "missionaries" to be trained and ordained by Sister Mildred Brostek. We returned to Thailand in 1998. By the grace of God, we preach all over Thailand, Burma, Laos PDR, Cambodia, and the Philippines. For the Lord has gifted and called me to do the work of an evangelist. We have three children: Esther, our eldest daughter; Mordecai, our son; and Hadassah, our youngest daughter. And my wife's name is Sister Anesta.

Mission Statement:
Our mission statement is "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14).
Though we are in Thailand, we are preaching the gospel to souls from all over the world. For pre-COVID-19, souls from all over the world came to Thailand; and we preach the gospel on these streets that they are coming to, especially in the red light areas.
Plus, by the miraculous provisions of God, we have gospel tracts in the many languages of the world, that my family gives out while I preach the gospel.
As Sister Mildred Brostek trained us to grow, glow, and go, we are still growing, glowing, and going. And we are going to souls from all over the world with the gospel of the kingdom.

PRAYER REQUEST... Back in 2014, the night before the late Northern Irish preacher, lan Paisley, went to be with the Lord, he sent me an e-mail praying that God would give us souls for
our hire. And this is our prayer request: SOULS. Currently, Thailand is not even 1% Christian; and most of the people who come here from around the world are not Christian. So our prayer request is for souls.

