Tim Carpenter takes us on a tour of key verses in Romans and then we get a truly encouraging testimony from one of our Exit members.
Paul is at the end of his life and writing a letter to his disciple, Timothy. In it, Paul exhorts Timothy to keep the faith, be on mission, prize & preach the Word, and live for what matters on Judgment Day. This message is particularly pertinent to those that we send out of our midst into the world, as a community with a large portion of college students.
Tim Carpenter preaches a Christmas message on Christ's presence being the real gift of Christmas. He walks through a biblical theology, from Genesis to Revelation, showing that's God's design was always to be with his people and that even now (prior to heaven) we can walk with Jesus each day.
We invited Bob Petty, our District Superintendent, to preach at our Sunday gathering because of the significance of the day--we commissioned college students graduating from Indiana Wesleyan and Taylor Universities. Additionally, we commissioned Dave Lloyd, our bookkeeper of 7 years, and we also ordained our pastor Forrest Brown. Bob preached on the mission to which we are all called to complete--the high call to be ambassadors of another kingdom, to make disciples of all nations.