
Faith Mountains - Against All Odds

Air Date: June 18th & 19th

If we choose to follow God, He will help us navigate the difficult mountains of life—even when the odds are stacked against us. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about our significance to God and His plan for restoration that will help us through any struggle. He discusses incidents from lives of David, Peter, Noah, and Moses, showing their faithful obedience to their assignments—and God’s response when their efforts fell short. When we submit to the simple practices that grow our faith—reading the Bible, praying, and intentionally choosing to yield to God’s plans—God will strengthen us for our current assignments and entrust us with more.

Let's Please God

Let's please God. Making that statement the focus of our lives will cause the troubles of this world to dim as we engage in the specific assignments God has for us each day. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about the freedom that comes from choosing to please the Lord in each decision we make. Our tendency is to please men or fit in with the culture. This is nothing new; we see examples of this behavior throughout the Bible. The truth is that our choices either please the Lord—or they don’t. There is no middle ground. Let’s be a generation that’s defined by our willingness to please God.

Let's Please God - Money Matters

Here’s a clear action plan that will help us navigate what’s ahead: Let’s please God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about some of the difficulties we’re facing as a nation, then offers a pathway toward contentment and peace: making consistent choices that please God. If we allow it, God will use our daily lives to influence, encourage, bless, and bring truth to the people around us—changing hearts, lives, and ultimately our nation. To know how to please God, we need to be familiar with His character and His Word. Pastor Allen offers biblical insight on what pleasing God looks like when it comes to money. When we focus on pleasing God, it opens our lives to His power, every place we go.

The End of this Age – Lord, We Are Listening

The two primary characteristics of the people of God are that they listen and obey. It’s not enough just to listen or recognize that God has said something; we must obey. We are in desperate need of listening to God and perceiving what He is doing, Pastor Allen Jackson says, and that is more about the attributes of our hearts than it is about our physical ability to hear. It is possible, he says, to be the people of God, and engaged in all kinds of religious activity, yet still be oblivious to what God is saying and doing. A person becomes a spiritual listener by putting off the old self and being made new in the attitudes of our heart and mind. When we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us, our hearts will remain tender toward the Lord and we can recognize what He is doing and participate in His purposes in the earth.