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Welcome to the official application of Petal-Harvey Baptist Church! Connect with Petal-Harvey Baptist Church through sermons, event information, online giving, guest information, and more. Petal-Harvey Baptist Church strives to lift up Christ, engage people with His truth, seek to help individuals realize their need for the Savior and equip the body of Christ (His Church) for service. Our Driving Force: “Therefore, GO and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 App Features: Media: -Listen to weekly sermons and teachings from our ministry Connect: -Receive push notifications about events within the church. -Keep up with current events by viewing our calendar. -Learn about upcoming weekly events by viewing each week’s bulletin. More: -View facility maps. -Participate in online giving. -Connect with us by filling out a visitor card. For more information about Petal-Harvey Baptist Church, please visit: The Petal-Harvey Baptist Church app was created using The Church App by Subsplash.