
Wisdom / Humility

Illuminate Indy

July 7, 2018 • Michael Oberle

There are two types of wisdom, true and false wisdom. False Wisdom removes God out of the equation, but True Wisdom recognizes that God is in control. James is calling us to a greater understanding of who God has called us to be and walk in humility rather than pride.

There is big difference between calling yourself a follower of Jesus and actually walking it in your daily life. In the book of James, we get a clear picture of what being a “Doer of the Word” really is. Through mountain tops and valleys, as servants of Jesus, we are called to live a life from His Gospel.

Join us this summer as we study from the book of James what it means to put gospel living into practice–truly, our Gospel Praxis.

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July 29, 2018 • Brenton Hill

There is big difference between calling yourself a follower of Jesus and actually walking it in your daily life. In the book of James, we get a clear picture of what being a “Doer of the Word” really is. Through mountain tops and valleys, as servants of Jesus, we are called to live a life from His Gospel.

What To Expect When You're Expecting

July 28, 2018 • Chad Garrison

As we conclude our series, James reminds us of what to expect, as we expectantly wait for Jesus to return. There is big difference between calling yourself a follower of Jesus and actually walking it in your daily life. In the book of James, we get a clear picture of what being a “Doer of the Word” really is. Through mountain tops and valleys, as servants of Jesus, we are called to live a life from His Gospel. Join us this summer as we study from the book of James what it means to put gospel living into practice–truly, our Gospel Praxis.

Enduring Faith

July 21, 2018 • Michael Oberle

James is calling us to have an enduring faith that perseveres through any trial or trouble. Sometimes it seems like everything is falling apart and we feel as though God has forsaken us, but we must cling to the truth of the Word of God and remain faithful to what God has for us. There is big difference between calling yourself a follower of Jesus and actually walking it in your daily life. In the book of James, we get a clear picture of what being a “Doer of the Word” really is. Through mountain tops and valleys, as servants of Jesus, we are called to live a life from His Gospel. Join us this summer as we study from the book of James what it means to put gospel living into practice–truly, our Gospel Praxis.