
Why Did God Give the Law?

Galatians 3:15-22

November 20, 2016 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians, Paul expands on the idea that grace, not Law, is the foundation and center of the Christian life. He explains that while the Law restrains and exposes sin, it does not and cannot save from sin. The Law points us to our need for grace and a perfectly righteous Savior. Once we have placed our faith in Christ, our greatest responsibility is to abide in and depend upon him to transform our hearts, allowing us to walk in a righteousness that the Law could not give.

More from Galatians

Our Only Boast

March 19, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this last passage from the book of Galatians, Paul reminds believers once again that we are saved by faith, not by returning to works and the Law. We are warned not to put confidence in ourselves and our own righteousness, but in the perfect righteousness of Christ. We must fear God rather than men, putting our hope in him and boasting only in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Where are you putting your confidence, in yourself or in the Lord?

Sowing and Reaping

March 12, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians, we are reminded that whatever we sow we will also reap. Although we are not saved by our works, our works do matter a great deal and have consequences in our lives. As part of a Spirit-filled life, we are called to give generously, invest eternally, and love completely. Only what’s done for Christ will last! In light of this, how are we investing our time, talents, and treasures?

Bear One Another’s Burdens

March 5, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians chapter six, Paul calls on believers to hold each other accountable and to bear one another’s burdens. The outflow of a Spirit-filled church and life is to take sin seriously, and to love and restore biblically. This can only be done in the context of the local church, as we share our lives with one another and live in community.