

Our Only Boast

March 19, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this last passage from the book of Galatians, Paul reminds believers once again that we are saved by faith, not by returning to works and the Law. We are warned not to put confidence in ourselves and our own righteousness, but in the perfect righteousness of Christ. We must fear God rather than men, putting our hope in him and boasting only in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Where are you putting your confidence, in yourself or in the Lord?

Sowing and Reaping

March 12, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians, we are reminded that whatever we sow we will also reap. Although we are not saved by our works, our works do matter a great deal and have consequences in our lives. As part of a Spirit-filled life, we are called to give generously, invest eternally, and love completely. Only what’s done for Christ will last! In light of this, how are we investing our time, talents, and treasures?

Bear One Another’s Burdens

March 5, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians chapter six, Paul calls on believers to hold each other accountable and to bear one another’s burdens. The outflow of a Spirit-filled church and life is to take sin seriously, and to love and restore biblically. This can only be done in the context of the local church, as we share our lives with one another and live in community.

Power to Change

February 26, 2017 • Pastor Neal Hackbarth

In this passage, Paul contrasts the works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit. He warns that those who practice the works of the flesh, which stem from an unsubmissive depravity that rebels against the Lord, will not inherit the kingdom of God. He admonishes believers to instead live by the Spirit, crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires. In the life of the believer, this is the power to change.

The Battle Within

February 19, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians, believers are commanded to walk by the Spirit so that they will not gratify the desires of the flesh. As Christians, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who strengthens, empowers, and guides us. He gives us the power that we need to fight the battle of sin within, and sanctifies us through the Word, prayer, and as we minister to one another in community. Are we submitting to the Holy Spirit and relying on his strength? Are we regularly in the Word, in prayer, and gathering with his people?

The Reason for Our Freedom

February 12, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In these verses from Galatians five, Paul shows us that our salvation has brought about freedom from the law, sin, and death. We have freedom in Christ, but this freedom is not freedom to sin, but freedom not to sin through the power of the Holy Spirit. This freedom also calls us to serve one another in love with our time, talents, and treasures. It allows us to fulfill the law as we love our neighbors as ourselves. Are we using our freedom for its intended purpose, to love and serve God and others?

The Disastrous Consequences of False Teachers

February 5, 2017 • Scott Cruikshank

In this passage, Paul warns the Galatians that though they had been running well, they were now being persuaded by those who were hindering their faith. By adding works, these false teachers were attacking the gospel itself, denying faith in Christ alone for salvation. Paul compares these destructive lies to leaven which can spread quickly, ultimately contaminating the whole church. Are we careful to guard our hearts and minds from the persuasion of false teachers?

The Disastrous Consequences of False Teaching

January 29, 2017 • Brian Johnson

In this sermon from Galatians chapter five, we look at how false teaching that had crept into the church was tempting believers to go back under a yoke of slavery. As fallen sinners, our natural inclination is to go to law-keeping in an attempt to make ourselves right with God. This is more in line with false religions which are based on human achievement than true Christianity, which is based on divine accomplishment. Are you resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ for your salvation?

Son or Slave?

January 22, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage, Paul continues to remind the Galatians that as sons of the promise they are free in Christ. To turn back to the Law and a works-based religion would make them slaves rather than sons. As believers, we can face this same temptation, thinking that what we do affects our standing before God. Freedom and grace are found only in Christ. Are you trusting in your work and obedience, or in the finished work of Jesus Christ? Are you living as a slave, or as a son?

A Pastor’s Plea

January 15, 2017 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this sermon from the book of Galatians, we see Paul’s pleas to the Galatian church not to turn back to weak and worthless religion, but to become as he is, free in the grace of Christ. He reminds them of who they were before Christ, when they had no hope, purpose, or meaning, and exhorts them to come back to the freedom they’d found in Christ Jesus. As you examine your life, priorities, and passions, are you in an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, or are you worshiping other things?

The Adoptive Love of God

January 1, 2017 • Pastor Neal Hackbarth

In this sermon from our Galatians series, we look at the adoptive love of God. This passage describes the position of believers in God’s family. We are reminded that through faith in Christ, the perfect Lamb of God, we are made righteous and adopted as God’s sons and daughters. The Spirit then gives us assurance of our relationship with God, bringing inexplicable joy and allowing us to rest and abide in our relationship with the Father.

Why Did God Give The Law? - Part 2

November 27, 2016 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage, Paul reminds the Galatian believers of who they were under the Law, as well as who they now are in Christ. Until Christ came, they were held captive under the Law, which showed them that they were justly condemned. In Christ, they had been delivered from the bondage of the Law, being adopted into God’s family through faith. As believers, do we realize what it means to be a child and heir of the Most High God?

Why Did God Give the Law?

November 20, 2016 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In this passage from Galatians, Paul expands on the idea that grace, not Law, is the foundation and center of the Christian life. He explains that while the Law restrains and exposes sin, it does not and cannot save from sin. The Law points us to our need for grace and a perfectly righteous Savior. Once we have placed our faith in Christ, our greatest responsibility is to abide in and depend upon him to transform our hearts, allowing us to walk in a righteousness that the Law could not give.

Redeemed From the Curse of the Law

November 13, 2016 • Pastor Phil Kooistra

In these verses from the book of Galatians, Paul gives further evidence for justification by faith. He argues that the Law cannot save, and due to our inability to keep it, can in fact only condemn us. We are reminded that our justification does not come from what we do, but from what Christ has done for us. Faith alone is what saves. Are you trusting in your own obedience, or in Christ alone for salvation?

Faith From Start to Finish

November 6, 2016 • Pastor Neal Hackbarth

In this passage from Galatians chapter three, Paul continues to argue for the preeminence of faith over works of the Law. This faith has three crucial foundations: Christ crucified, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the word of God. Paul reminds believers that they were saved and received the Spirit by faith, not through works of the Law, and warns them against believing that they can now be made perfect by works. The Christian life starts and finishes with faith! From our Sunday service at Grace Bible Church of Bend.