
God Spoke, We Heard

Sun, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2013 • Joe Springer

What does it mean to you that Christ is enough?

What distracts you from seeing Christ as enough?

When have you been invited to "sit in the sand" and wait for Jesus to reveal himself to you in a new way?

How has God made Himself known to you?

In what ways do you see only a facet of God and accept it as the whole story of God?

How do you reconcile the nature of God in the Old Testament with the nature of Christ in the New Testament?

When have you experienced someone drifting away? How did it impact you?

What causes you to drift away from Christ? In what ways are you complacent about your salvation in Christ?

How do you experience scarcity in your life? What are you fearful of and how does that impact your choices and life?

How can Christ enter your sense of scarcity and insecurity and become enough?

What would it look like for you to live more fully into the fullness of God in Christ?

How do your priorities need to change in order for you to live into a fuller understanding of God? How do your relationships need to change?

How can you invite Christ into your daily life, rather than looking to Sunday as your day for Christ?

What area of your life is Christ calling you to surrender to that He can be enough? Who can you confess to, and ask them to pray and hold them accountable?

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