
Faith Believes

Sun, December 13, 2015

December 13, 2015 • Joe Springer

More from Joe Springer

In Essentials... Unity

June 28, 2015 • Joe Springer

What shapes your sense of what is essential? How have your essentials changed over the years? How do you live with others whose essentials are different than yours? What role does charity play in your living out what is essential to you? When have you seen knowledge make arrogant? When have you been built up by others in the context of love? When have you seen the building power of love in your relationships? Are there things that you are willing to give up for the building up of others? When have you been willing to be 'all things to all people' so that you may win some?

Under Pressure

June 14, 2015 • Joe Springer

What experience or observations have you had around church discipline? How does accountability create space for formation of the individual and the church community? How do you respond to the call to be accountable? When have you experienced pressure that resulted in your own transformation? When have you experienced sin and/or failure of one result in pervading damage to the community? Are there areas of your life where you need to be held accountable?  Who can you ask to come alongside you? Can you think of a friend who may be in need of being confronted regarding an area of their life that is sinful or destructive?  What is at stake for you to talk to them? How do you live by a different set of standards than those with whom you work or live? As you look at the week ahead,  how can you make mutual accountability a part of your relationships with other believers?

The Nature Of Things

May 17, 2015 • Joe Springer

Who in your life do you consider wise? What criteria do you use to define someone who is wise? How does your understanding of God shape your identity as a human? How does the Spirit of God breathe life into your soul, heart, and body? If your life is a house, what room(s) do you invite the Spirit of Christ to live in? How do you cultivate your relationship with God? How is it transformative? How is God's power in you uniquely expressed through your gifts and talents? How do you see God in your "sweet spot?" How can you cultivate a deeper awareness of God's spirit throughout the activities of your day?