
Week 6 • 7.9.23 • Freedom

July 9, 2023

Because of Jesus, you have been rescued from sin and death. Jesus set you free from the shame and guilt of sin, but more importantly from the power and reign of sin! Only Christian’s are truly free to not choose sin! Real Christian freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want, but the ability to not be controlled, driven, mastered by every desire, impulse and sin that wants me.

Week 12 • Kingdom Authority

August 27, 2023

"Faith isn’t blind. Faith means that you although you may not be able to see it, God can. Faith doesn’t mean you can’t have questions. Faith means that although you might not know the answers, God does. Faith is all about relationship and Kingdom authority is all about that relationship. Faith activates authority." - Jennifer Colby

Week 11 • 8.13.23 • Known

August 13, 2023

In order to be loved by God, you must be vulnerable with God! You must confess your need for God! You must confess your sin and that you’ve hidden from God behind good deeds, or your own wisdom and power!

Week 10 • 8.6.23 • Listens & Hears

August 6, 2023

God’s Promises and Blessings are only given to those who have placed their hope and trust in Jesus and that includes our prayers. God doesn’t promise to hear or listen to the prayers of those who are not His in Christ. It doesn’t mean he never will; it means he doesn’t make a promise to hear or listen to the non-Christian.