
Countercultural Kingdom

Sex & Marriage

May 2, 2021 • Pastor Scott

God's countercultural kingdom can be seen in how His ways, His values, and His customs are in direct opposition to the culture of this world. Perhaps no where else is this as clearly seen as in the topics of sex and marriage.

More from Hebrews

Countercultural Kingdom

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Scott

In a culture that no longer accepts absolute truth, we as Christians, must stand for the absolute truth of Jesus and His Gospel. And guard our hearts against the pull of false doctrines.

Countercultural Kingdom

May 30, 2021 • Pastor Scott

We are living in an age of discontentment. People are not happy with their lives or their stuff. We are in a constant pull for something "new" and something "better." But even as the roots of greed and covetousness are spreading throughout our world and our hearts, we as followers of Jesus Christ are called to lives lives of contentment in God.

Countercultural Kingdom

May 23, 2021 • Pastor Scott

God's countercultural kingdom can be seen in how His ways, His values, and His customs are in direct opposition to the culture of this world. Perhaps nowhere else is this as clearly seen as in the topics of sex and marriage.