
MORE: Women’s Conference with Lana Vawser

August 5, 2017 | AM Session

August 5, 2017 • Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser grew up in the Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia. She began her relationship with Christ in 1996, soon after which, she started to understand and grow in her prophetic gifting both to individuals and the greater body of Christ. Since then she has ministered in various roles in local churches, while posting prophetic messages through email lists or online.

MORE: Women’s Conference with Lana Vawser

August 5, 2017 • Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser grew up in the Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia. She began her relationship with Christ in 1996, soon after which, she started to understand and grow in her prophetic gifting both to individuals and the greater body of Christ. Since then she has ministered in various roles in local churches, while posting prophetic messages through email lists or online.

MORE: Women’s Conference with Keacha Rogers

August 4, 2017 • Keacha Rogers

Keacha is the Director of Women’s Ministry at Gateway Christian Fellowship. She is a teacher with the heart of a servant who has been walking with the Lord for 27 years. Her calling is to strengthen the Bride to influence the world. In her own words, “I long to see the Bride connect more with God and each other, knowing that through the outflow of those connections, we will change the world.”