
6. Scientific Evidence

The Gospel Volume 1

March 26, 2015 • WWMF Media

Contrary to the propaganda heard through the popular media, Science when used honestly always points to the truth of the bible... here is just one example

Historically, the most convincing evidence for evolution is the fossil record. Evolutionists claim that the fossil record displays a gradual evolution of animal and plant life from primitive forms to complex forms with transitional phases between major classes (e.g., between fish and amphibians, amphibians and reptiles, reptiles and birds, and so on).

But this scenario has no support. There is no evidence that complex life forms evolve from primitive life forms because no such transitional species between any of these groups of animals have ever been found in the tons of fossil-bearing rock recovered over the past one hundred thirty years.

We will cover science and the bible in a later production, in the mean time we suggest Answers In Genesis as a trustworthy resource on this subject.