
All I Do Is Win

Understanding Your Righteous Inheritance

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Kelly Roberson

Join Pastor Kelly Roberson as she dives deep into Romans 5:17 in a message that will empower you to understand and embrace your identity as the righteousness of God. In this teaching, Pastor Kelly passionately explains how believers are not just meant to live but to "reign in life" through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. Through this message you will be encouraged to cast aside doubts and self-limiting beliefs to realize your God-given authority and victory! “ALL YOU DO IS WIN!” Watch as she unfolds the truth that righteousness is a divine right, received by faith and not by works, equipping you to stand unshaken in the face of challenges. Righteousness is not something to be proven but something to be received by faith. This message is a call to action for all who seek to live victoriously and understand the power of your identity in Christ. “All You Do Is Win!”

This Is Your Inheritance

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Brandon Roberson

From Death To Life

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Brandon Roberson

Explore the power of grace and righteousness in this message by Pastor Brandon Roberson. Drawing from Romans 5:17 amongst other scriptures, Pastor Brandon expounds on how Adam's fall introduced death into humanity, setting the stage for Jesus Christ's redemptive work! This sermon delves into the theological implications of Christ's sacrifice, emphasizing the gift of righteousness and our new identity in Him. Learn how to walk in the assurance of God's promises and reign in life, overcoming the enemy's tactics to undermine our divine inheritance. This message is a profound reminder of our restored authority through Christ, challenging us to live not by our efforts but from the victory Jesus has already won!


April 14, 2024 • Pastor Brandon Roberson

Join Pastor Brandon Roberson as we explore the profound impact of righteousness. Delve into what it means to be in right standing with God through the abundant grace and free gift of righteousness offered by Jesus Christ. Pivotal scriptures such as Romans 5:17 and Matthew 6:33 are unpacked, emphasizing that righteousness is not earned through deeds but received through faith in Jesus. Pastor Brandon encourages believers to embrace their divine right to reign in life, highlighting the necessity of righteousness for fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. He also tackles common misconceptions that hinder believers from fully understanding and experiencing their righteousness in Christ. Discover how living in true righteousness empowers us to reign as kings in the present world and aligns us with God's original intent for seamless relational fellowship with Him.