
Let’s Please God

Lead a Life of Significance

June 12, 2024 • Allen Jackson

God is still recruiting men and women who will give themselves to His purposes. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about the importance of choosing to please God, saying “yes” when He recruits us for assignments. Pastor Allen shows how several heroes in the Bible responded when God asked them to do something difficult. Their initial responses were much like ours: "I’m not ready; I’m not capable; I’m too busy; There are other people more qualified to do that, God.” When God calls us to do something new, it generally comes with challenges. But if we determine to pray, please God, and do difficult things, He will use our lives to accomplish mighty things in His Kingdom.

We Always Thank God!

June 19, 2024 • Robert J. Morgan

More & More! Through & Through!

June 16, 2024 • Robert J. Morgan

“You are following the Lord wonderfully! Now, do so more and more.” That’s the overarching theme of First Thessalonians and the topic of this encouraging sermon by Pastor Robert J. Morgan. The Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the Thessalonians when he heard about their great love, faith, and hope in the gospel. Pastor Rob offers a biblical perspective on those characteristics—love, faith, and hope—and helps us recognize the value of each in a Christ-follower’s life. If we are standing firm in the Lord and allowing His Word to speak into our lives, we are on very good path, and there’s more for us to learn. Pastor Rob provides several ways we can continue to grow in our faith and lean more fully into all God has for us.

Turning the World Upside Down

June 15, 2024 • Robert J. Morgan

In a world that’s upside down, our job is to turn it right-side up, one person at a time—just as the Apostle Paul did throughout the New Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Robert J. Morgan reviews the events that led Paul to write his first letter to the Thessalonians. In Acts 17:1-10, we find Paul boldly preaching in Thessalonica. Despite opposition, a large number of people came to faith as the Holy Spirit awakened their hearts to Paul’s teaching. Pastor Rob offers insight on how this Scripture applies to the Church today, and provides several examples of how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.