
Great is Our God (Part 1)

March 12, 2021 • Pastor Asa Dockery

God is greater than anything we will ever have to confront in this life. Since God dwells in His children, we have the victory. We already have the victory because Jesus has given it to us through His death. Now, we can overcome all things because the Greater One dwells in us. Be still and know that He is God.

More from Knowing God

The Knowledge of the Glory of God (Part 1)

February 24, 2022 • Pastor Asa Dockery

The Knowledge of the Glory of God is for every believer in Christ. The truth of God produces spiritual light. As we receive and walk in the truth, God's light and glory can be seen upon us in the spirit realm. People who do not know Christ will only know there is something unique or different about us. They will be drawn to us because of the Light.

Controlled Chaos (Part 2)

October 7, 2021 • Pastor Asa Dockery

When destruction disrupts our lives, it can seem like chaos has broken out in our world. Even though trouble may be out of our control when we are affected by it, trouble isn't out of God's control. How we respond to chaos will determine if we come out victorious or defeated. Allow this message from the Lord to minister peace to you.

Experience the Life of God (Part 1)

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Asa Dockery

The Lord is calling His children to a deeper walk of faith. The Father desires that we know Him intimately through the Holy Spirit and His Word. As we hunger for the deeper things of God and to know Him personally, He will reveal Himself to us. Once we know God and not just know about Him, we will be made strong in the spirit and be able to do great things for the Lord.