
Ash Wednesday: Press On

February 22, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

We need to recover the word repentance. It’s not a dour word invoking self-hatred. Far from it! Repentance is a word of hope. The philosophy of repentance is that we can change. To repent is to rethink the trajectory of our life, believing we can find the right path. And this is what Lent is all about.

More from Lent 2023


April 7, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

Gethsemane means oil pressure and it's in Gethsemane that we see the anointed Christ under enormous pressure. On the Sea of Galilee Jesus calmed the storm; but in Gethsemane the storm is within the Son of God.

Palm Sunday: Dominus Flevit (The Lord Wept)

April 2, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

Everything about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry is the opposite of Pilate’s military parade. Pilate rides a warhorse while Jesus rides a donkey—a donkey’s colt. Pilate’s soldiers are armed with swords; Jesus’ disciples are armed with palm branches. Jesus' scepter is a reed, his crown is made of thorns, his acclaim is a cruel insult.  And on Coronation Day his throne will be the cross itself. This is how the KoG comes, and it comes no other way. But does Jerusalem understand this? Do we understand this?

Lent 2023: The Coming One

March 26, 2023 • Jacob Taylor

The story of Lazarus gives a picture of the great hope of salvation - that humanity would be set free from the dominion of Sin and Death. Will we join Martha in confessing, "Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world" and "through believing.. have life in his name?"