
The Kingdom Imagination

November 26, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

The eyes of the heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit to perceive the present and eternal reign of Christ is the kingdom imagination.

Divine Encounters

November 19, 2023 • Peri Zahnd

The Hidden Chamber

November 12, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

We live in an epoch of rage and fury—even to the extent that rage and fury are often esteemed as virtuous. We’re regularly told by the self-righteous priests of rage and fury what we must be enraged and furious about, lest we be accused of complicity with evil. Because of our limitless capacity for awareness of global injustices, we are now required to cultivate perpetual rage and fury. But the prophet Isaiah offers God’s people a soul-saving counternarrative.

42nd Anniversary: An Authentic Expression of the Kingdom of Jesus in the 21st Century

November 5, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

If the world cannot see in the church the hope of a better way and aspire to it, we have no business trying to force our way upon the world. So we can stop trying to change the world. That’s not our job. Jesus is the savior of the world, not us. Our job is to simply be that part of the world already changed by Jesus.