
The Anticipated Christ: The Holy Name

January 1, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

The salvation that comes to us from God is both particular and universal—particular in that it comes by the particular person named Jesus, and universal because it is a salvation for the whole world.

The Anticipated Christ: Kings Shall Come

January 8, 2023 • Brian Zahnd

Christians reading Isaiah in the first decades after the death and resurrection of Jesus interpreted all the promises of Israel’s glorious future as prophecies about Jesus Christ, and Isaiah was an especially rich treasure trove of these prophecies. They read Isaiah and proclaimed that Jesus is Isaiah’s virgin-born Immanuel and Prince of Peace in whose kingdom swords are turned to plowshares, and where the lion lays down with the lamb. They also saw Isaiah’s prophecy of Gentile nations coming to worship the God of Israel as fulfilled in Gentile converts to Christ.

The Anticipated Christ: The Christmas Angels

December 25, 2022 • Brian Zahnd

The Christmas angels who appeared to the shepherds sang of peace on earth and good will toward men. Heaven is always seeking to pull us toward peace and good will, while hell seeks to drag us toward war and malice. If we cooperate with hate and ill-will we are left bereft of heaven’s aid and the angels sing their song in vain. But on Christmas Day we are reminded of the better way—the way of heaven, the way of the angels, the way of God, the way of the Prince of Peace.

The Anticipated Christ: St. Joseph

December 18, 2022 • Brian Zahnd

We don’t know very much about Joseph, or at least not as much as we would like. We know that though he descended from the royal line of David, he was a humble carpenter plying his trade in an obscure Galilean village. But we never hear any direct words from Joseph. He is one of those quiet men whose deep goodness is found in what they do, not in what they say. Joseph isn’t a prophet or a preacher; he’s a protector and provider.