This course is for married couples. It equips husbands and wives to grow in holiness before God and as "one flesh" with each other.
Speaker: Jeff Williams
Short and mid-term goals include:
· To stimulate spiritual growth with each other as husband and wife;
· To model discipleship within your marriage;
· To actively disciple other couples;
· For the husband to actively disciple another man;
· For the wife to actively disciple another woman.
Meeting schedule – selected Friday evenings 6:30 - 8:00 pm (location will be announced later)^
- 13 Sep Lesson 1: Introduction and Course Overview - making the commitment;
- 27 Sep Lesson 2: Confirming Relationship with & Deepening Knowledge of God;
- 4 October Lesson 3: Studying the Bible and Appropriating Its Truth;
- 25 October Lesson 4: Effective Prayer Life and the Work of the Spirit;
- 8 November Lesson 5: Life in the Body and Our Common Fellowship;
- 22 November Lesson 6: Stewarding our Calling.
The "Partners One-on-One Discipleship" book will be used in the course (available in the church bookstore).
Register here prior to 9 September, so we can choose a location that accommodates the group.