God's plan starts in Genesis Chapter 1.
A look at the Fall in Genesis Chapter 3, and the results.
God's plan of redemption started with Abraham.
God's Redemption of Israel from Egypt is a picture of our Redemption from sin.
The purpose of the Law in God's Plan of Redemption.
How can a holy God have relationship with sinful man?
What's more important than God's Presence in your life?
God gives Israel a king, and a picture of the true King.
Israel's sin leads to exile, but God remains faithful.
Who do you say Jesus is? The most important question in this life.
A serious and individual look at the Great Commission.
Jesus says, Please DON'T join me in the Great Commission UNTIL you receive the Power of the Holy Spirit.
How can people say, "I love Jesus, but hate the Church"
A closer look at the "All Nations" part of the Great Commission.
The end of the story gives us strength to see the race through.