
Life Together

Our Life Together Is a Life for Others

November 26, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

Most churches—ours included, if we’re honest—are essentially churches for us, organized with our comfort, preferences, and perspectives in mind. But what if our thinking and doing in our life together were first informed by deep compassion for those who are lost in the seductive embrace of a world that promises everything but delivers so little? When God builds His church He doesn’t build it for us. He builds it for the people He misses the most. Jesus wants to raise up a church that rises to the occasion of God’s heart for the world. That’s why our life together is a life for others.

Life Together: Better, Safer, Stronger

November 19, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

We are better together than we are alone. We’re also safer together. Safer in this way specifically: in receiving and responding to correction. Of course, we don’t like being corrected. It sometimes makes us defensive and almost always makes us uncomfortable. But here’s the thing: being comfortable may feel better but being appropriately corrected leads to the best life we can have with God.

Being Known

November 12, 2017 • David Hammerslag

To be in community means to be known. It is not enough to know about each other, we must be deeply and truly known. Being known by others opens the door to to knowing God, growing in him and growing in love toward each other.

A Simple Strategy for Spiritual Warfare

November 5, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

A simple strategy for spiritual warfare involves a handful of elements. Exposure, because simply talking about the enemy's schemes brings freedom and release, and robs the enemy of power. Trust, knowing the Lord who has permitted the siege will be the one to triumph over it. Engagement, because each of us has a role to play. We are to stand, pray, and fight. And all of this without fear because the Lord Himself will rebuke Satan.

Praying for Breakthrough at WMC

October 29, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

We know the enemy hates us and wants every kingdom enterprise to fail, so why would we not take seriously his role in our recent struggles at Wonderful Mercy? On Sunday morning during the Holy Spirit time Pastor Graeme called the congregation to prayer to break the enemy's siege against our congregation, using a prayer guide created for this purpose. We believe God is calling us to prayer during the entirety of November, with a specific prayer focus for each week, complete with a Scripture passage and suggested prayer points. The enemy’s activity among us must be confronted and defeated as quickly as possible. This prayer initiative is a crucial first step in that direction.

Rebuilding the Family Altar

October 29, 2017 • Cheryl Sacks

As we experience an unprecedented cultural attack on biblical values, it has never been more important for families to pray together. But busy schedules, digital distractions, and a general lack of enthusiasm make this vital goal difficult. How do we change the focus of our families from the world to the Lord, and the mood of our households from one of frustration to one of peace and joy? In this message, Cheryl Sacks gives you step-by-step guidance and real-world tips on how to experience the atmosphere of heaven in your home by praying together regularly as a family. Discover how a family that prays together becomes an unstoppable force for good, bringing God's answers to impossible situations. And it can start with you! You have the power not only to change the atmosphere of your home but also to be part of changing the spiritual atmosphere wherever you go.

A Different Way

October 22, 2017

What sets the community of the redeemed apart from any other community? What makes our life together different, if indeed it is? Early on believers referred to themselves as “The Way.” The Greeks used the word for "way," HODÓS, to speak about the path of life or the manner of life, and even as an inquiry into the deep questions of life. But when the early church used this self-description, it’s likely they were drawing on a familiar passage from Isaiah 40 that is quoted in all four gospels. Some of the uniqueness of The Way can be gleaned from this interesting prophetic Scripture.

All Together Now

October 15, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

The earliest followers of Jesus were a community in unity. Contrast this with what God says he hates: “anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful” (Proverbs 6:19). Heaven despises troublemakers in family of God; this may lie behind Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21, “I pray that they will all be one…” It is Important to distinguish between unity and uniformity. Unity is God-centered, uniformity is human-centered. In true unity and agreement, what we do is not center stage; what God is doing is. Unity gives life; uniformity strangles it with sameness masquerading as submission.

More Than A Sunday Thing

October 8, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

As the pastors met and prayed together recently, a thing we heard from the Father concerns the importance of doing life together. We felt we heard him remind us that this—being a part of the faith community at Wonderful Mercy Church—must be more than a Sunday thing. And it must be real and authentic. The evangelical church in this nation has confused being relevant with being real—and real is what the human heart is hungry for. A people who are doing life together is the Father’s desire for us, so over the next few months we will be laying the foundation for creating multiple entry points for experiencing and doing life together, and this new sermon series is an important piece in that process.