
Tending to Our Inner Life

It Is Well With My Soul

January 15, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

The culture of the church in the western world hasn’t given us many tools with which to think about our souls, much less how to tend to them. Odd, when you think about it, given the soul’s place in Scripture and how frequently it factors into the divine conversations the Bible invites us into. For example, Deut. 4:9 tells us, “Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently…”

If we are to learn how to tend to our inner life, we must go to the life-giver to learn how to care for our life-center. It matters greatly that we do so and here are two reasons why.

First: if our soul is well-tended, then no matter our lot we will be able to say, “It is well with my soul.” And second: the physical and public side of the human universe cannot sustain our existence, even though our consumer-driven, celebrity-worship culture insists otherwise.