
Tithe & See

October 14, 2018 • Graeme Sellers

In Mark 10:17-31, Jesus speak of wealth. His is not an anti-money teaching, though it might seem to be at first glance. Rather it is an examination of money’s mega-hold on us, with the upshot being this: the more of it we have the stronger its hold on us. The Bible offers us a prescription for breaking money’s mega-hold, though it’s not a popular one: tithing.

Some fear preaching about money—is it too offensive?—but we love it for we have discovered this:
• God’s promises regarding tithing are unprecedented
• So many of us are in bondage! When Father’s heart is expressed in this area, people get set free

There are many reasons Christians don’t tithe, including:
• Some of us don’t know we’re supposed to
• Some of us don’t believe we can afford to
• Some think we don’t have to because we’re under grace, not the Law

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