
Spinning Plates

June 11, 2017

June 11, 2017 • David Hammerslag

Our lives can become a frantic rushing from spinning plate to spinning plate. We give each enough attention to prevent a disastrous crash, then we rush off to the next plate that is in danger of falling. We make our lives more and more frantic, hoping that with this one last plate spinning in its place, we’ll be happy and satisfied. Do you ever feel like a plate spinner?

We think if we can just manage to keep all the plates spinning -- make sure none of them come crashing down -- then we will be happy and contented. Yet, even when we do manage it, usually for only a very short while, we end up feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. Soon some of the plates will start to slow down and wobble, demanding our attention again. The plates become our masters. We become imprisoned by the need to keep the plates spinning. They command our attention.

There's a better way. And Jesus shows it to us.

Called By God

December 31, 2017 • Dirk Duhlstine

Our doing should come from our http://being...being healthy, whole, and holy sons and daughters of a God who loves us just because we are His children. Do you recall a time when you heard God call you? Speak to you? Encourage you? Correct you? Move you in a certain direction? Save you from harm? Let's set our hearts on listening to what God is saying to us, for He loves to speak with His children!

Holy Spirit Stories & Surprises

July 30, 2017 • Dr. Kim Engel-Pearson & Mike Bradley

As we embrace a renewed emphasis on Holy Spirit, both his person and work, we hear stories from Kim and Mike concerning how the Spirit has surprised and delighted them with his leading. These stories increase our faith and encourage us to be alert for God — his speaking, moving, inviting — in a time of accelerated activity and increased sensitivity and awareness to God movements around us.

Responding to God's Voice

July 23, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

We have a built-in capacity for the voice of God; we are created to hear His voice because we are sons and daughters. We possess the ability to hear the voice of God without ever reading the Bible, without ever attending a church service, without ever uttering a prayer. This is not an aspect that some have and some do not—it is imprinted within you by your creator as a baseline measure of being human. God speaks. So, when He does, what to do next? Move. Act. Immediately. Typically, when God speaks is His timing. It’s never, “Get around to this sometime, would you? You know, when it’s convenient for you.” Understand: the voice of God is not neutral—the voice of God makes a claim on us. Joshua 24:24 “We will serve the Eternal One, our God, and we will obey His voice.” (The Voice Translation)