
The Drought Is Coming to An End, Pt. 2

April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 • Graeme Sellers

Today we return to an encouraging word that the Lord gave us in early February: "The drought is coming to an end." To say “The drought is coming to an end” is not the same thing as saying there are no more rivers to cross, mountains to climb, valleys to traverse, hardship to endure. It is to say that a long season of loss, lack, and less is coming to an end.

Why would God bring it to our attention again? Well, assuming that He is directing this conversation, clearly it’s a matter of some importance to him. And if it’s important to Him it is important for us. At a minimum, he’s telling us to pay attention.

It’s easy to lose sight of something once it’s no longer immediately in front of us. Our tendency, once we’ve heard something, is to move on to the next thing. It’s rare that we would take time to consider and then reconsider what we’ve heard, and that's what we're doing today.