
Better Together

October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016 • Graeme Sellers

59% of Americans agree “Worshiping alone or with one’s family is a valid replacement for regularly attending church.” But here’s what the author of Hebrews knows: much strength arises from being together and worshiping together. Even if the sermon is poor and the worship shoddy, the church service gives us chance to be together, and that, more than any pleasure we take or approval we give of the sermon or worship, is the real point

The author know this, too: community increases love. How can it do otherwise if Jesus is there with us? As 1 John 4:8b tells us, “God is love.” And where love increases, the things of God must follow

Be Swift to Choose Peace

November 20, 2016 • Graeme Sellers

Peace is everything which makes for another’s highest good. Anything that is not God’s highest good for your neighbor, co-worker, countryman is an enemy of peace! So when circumstances and the enemy of our souls conspire to steal the peace of those around us, we must aggressively pursue peace by being with and standing alongside them.

Faith Matters

November 6, 2016 • Graeme Sellers

Faith is believing that what God says and who God is, is the most real thing, the truest thing. As we saw last week, God takes pleasure in the simple fact of us; and at the same time there are actions, qualities, things we do that please him. Having faith is one of them, and it’s easy enough to see why, especially in light of our identity as sons and daughters: because faith is an indicator of our love relationship with God. No wonder he loves faith—not because it’s a badge of spiritual accomplishment but because it opens the door for us, as children, to receive the love of our Father.

God's Pleasure

October 30, 2016 • Graeme Sellers

If we, as sinful and selfish parents, take pleasure in our children why would we think it odd that the Father takes pleasure in us, his sons and daughters, not because of anything we do or achieve, but for the simple fact that we are his? You’re his son, his daughter—he takes pleasure in you! What else would he do?